IELTS Success Formula: Academic

Tác giả: Stephen Slater, Simone Braverman
Số trang: 280
Khổ sách: 20×28cm

Giá: 298.000VNĐ
(bao gồm một quyển sách và một đĩa MP3)


  • Full IELTS preparation lessons for each of the four test skills
  • Nearly 200 IELTS ‘fitness tasks’ offering quick practice in all four parts of IELTS
  • Full exit IELTS practice test
  • Comprehensive ‘deep’ grammar and vocabulary sections for Writing and Speaking
  • Detailed analysis of sample writing tasks and a sample interview
  • Extensive additional material for interview practice
  • Full Answer key, audio transcripts, and all audio recordings
Categories: , SKU: 9786045812808 Tags:

Mô tả

The ‘all you need’ total test prep. book, ideal for repeat test takers or first-timers

You can’t beat a real book, and in this case a really thorough book. Designed to meet the test preparation needs expressed by hundreds of IELTS test takers, many of them test veterans, IELTS Success Formula is probably the last IELTS book you’ll ever need – it’s got everything!

Why do we say this so confidently?

Well, because this book really goes deeply into each of the different subtests, and explores them in detail, then it provides loads of quick, targeted test tasks to help you to understand each part of the test so that you start to know it inside out. Only with this intimate knowledge of IELTS can you really lift your score significantly, especially if you are one of many mid-level learners sitting on a language plateau in terms of your knowledge of English, and perhaps regularly and frustratingly re-taking the IELTS, at great expense.

Are you worried about your English grammar and range of active vocabulary?

IELTS Success Formula has extensive resources devoted to just those issues. In fact, ISF is a must buy!

What makes this book special?

  • This is not just a book of tests – it has a formula for success. First, it teaches you the best ways to understand and solve IELTS tasks, next it gives you complete IELTS ‘fitness training’, then it tests your performance with a full IELTS test, so you are truly test-ready.
  • First-timers will do very well with this book from the start (no need to retake the test!)
  • IELTS veterans will be able to achieve a better score than they ever imagined.
  • This book deals with every aspect of IELTS, yet you can read it in a short time (suits busy people)
  • You will discover unexpected ways of answering questions, ensuring more, correct answers.
  • You will learn how to avoid many, typical problems and mistakes uncovered by research on thousands of test takers through
  • This book fully covers the Academic module, including fitness activities for every skill, with audio for listening and speaking; IELTS-specific grammar and useful vocabulary (unique to this book!); detailed feedback on writing tasks and interviews, AND full test practice.
  • Put simply, you won’t need to purchase any additional books!

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