Next Level TOEIC

Tác giả: Myeong-Hee Seong, Lyle A. Lewin
Số trang: 304
Khổ sách: 18,5×26cm

Giá: 298.000VNĐ
(bao gồm một quyển sách và một đĩa MP3)

Intermediate TOEIC Skill-Building Guidebook


Categories: , SKU: 9786045843895 Tags:

Mô tả


Unit 1: Subject-Verb Agreement

Unit 2: Gerunds and Infinitives

Unit 3: Verb Forms and Tenses

Unit 4: Auxiliary Verbs

Unit 5: Participles

Unit 6: Negation

Unit 7: Conjunctions and Prepositions

Unit 8: Comparatives and Superlatives

Unit 9: Nouns and Articles

Unit 10: Pronouns and Determiners

Unit 11: Relative Clauses

Unit 12: Conditionals

Answer Key

Audio Scripts

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